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Virgin and Child

Virgin and Child



  • 10 Christmas Cards and Envelopes - Benozzo Gozzoli: Virgin and Child Enthroned  between Saint Dominic and a Papal Saint
    PUBLISHER: The Courtauld
    The Courtauld works to advance how we see and understand the visual arts, as an internationally renowned centre for the the teaching and reserach of art history and a major public gallery.
    CODE: 5055325743496
    INSIDE: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
    SIZE: 17cm X 12cm
    Gozzoli (c 1421-1497) is best known for a series of frescoes depicting the Journey of the Magi, painted for the Chapel of teh Palazzo Medici in Florence. In 1467, he started work on antoher significant fresco cycle, this tine for the Campo Santo, Pisa, featuring scenes from the Old Testament.

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