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Poems of Lament & Grace by Dorothy Lee

Poems of Lament and Grace


'....only speak the word, and my servant will be healed....'

  • The story in Matthew's Gospel is about words and their power to heal. The story is also about pain and loss, suffering and distress, hope and wonder. In a sense, it is also the story of every person's journey in faith, with elements of fear, apprehension, unspoken doubt, unexpected joy, renewed life.

    These are experiences reflected in Poems of Lament and Grace. The author gladly acknowledges that her own faith journey has involved times of faith and doubt, uncertainty, longing, apprehension.

    Yet, this deeply honest series of poems - words of healing - acknowledges times of discouragement and dismay, but above all rejoices in divine grace, offered and lived.

  • Title: Poems of Lament and Grace
    Author: Dorothy Lee
    ISBN: 9781922589446
    Publisher: Coventry Press
    Year: 2024

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